Sunday, September 14, 2008

The time has come

So, in case you haven't noticed...I'm stuck on skirts. Mostly since they're easy and kind of difficult to mess up. (Okay so I messed one up once). I've decided to branch out into the world of tops and dresses (*gasp) but don't worry, to help me on the journal I have enlisted the help of my new best sewing friend...the size 2T dress form. It took some planning since girl-1 just barely turned 2 last week and is a pistol! I cut the strips of duct tape in advance, employed boy-1 as the chocolate chip distributor, and my husband was the stabilizer.
  • duct tape
  • old unwanted t-shirt
  • blunt end scissors
  • bowl of chocolate chips
  • at least 2 assistants

Once you wrap up the bod, (you can use saran wrap for the neck if you want) carefully cut the form up the back center and remove it from your subject. You can then tape it back up, cut a cardboard round and cover the bottom and sleeves and then stuff it through the top. I did double buns and a headband to make sure that no hair got stuck on tape. I had my son give out a chocolate chip every 20 seconds to keep the subject happy while the taping was happening.

There are some great tutorials on youtube and on the etsy lab website. Every duct tape form that I saw drew the center, waist,, hip lines on it while it was still on the subject. This will have to come later with my form since we had to be as quick as possible with this one. I'm sure and older subject would be a little easier! I'll keep you posted about my future sewing project involving 'the form'.

I'd love to know if anybody else tries this and how it works for you.


Heather said...

GENIUS!!! I have even looked for, and almost bought a childs dressform since I would love to be able to sew for the exact size I need for my kidlets. THIS however is a FAR BETTER solution! I am going to be buying a bunch of duct tape this week, I am so excited to make some myself. Thankyou!!!

BlondieBlueEyes said...

I bought so much duct tape. Scott said hw would wrap me up. Thanks I will let you know how it goes.