Sunday, August 24, 2008

Presenting the "Kitchen Collection"

Okay so as part of my freecycle fabric acquisition, I got an old box of kitchen curtains. The joy was that they were nice vintage fabric, 2 of everything, many with ruffles already intact, the non-joy was the smokey-moth-ball essence that stayed with them through the first washing (not exactly how I want my girls to smell as they twirl). Anyway, as you can guess, skirts, skirts and more skirts are planned from this box. Many of the tops are already made to hang from a bar, so there is a place for the elastic to slide right in. Skirt Number one has been completed and is a hit. Stay tuned for more episodes of......the Kitchen Collection.


Catty Wampus said...

Hi there; thanks for visiting; I love the name of your blog! Too funny. I am going to try the flatbread recipe. Have you ever cooked it ny other way? I am wondering because stinky old winter is coming soon; which I hate; and these seem like something good to have all the time! Merrie

Mykin said...

If you have any extra fabric in the "kitchen collection" - let me know. I'd love to make one! LOVE YOUR BLOG!

BlondieBlueEyes said...

SO CUTE and great job on the skirt.